Thursday, June 21, 2018

Even Still

I loved you, with my whole heart and soul.....

Looking back I see things the way they really were, it pierces my heart again, like 
little push pins.....I only wish you could have loved me the way you love your addiction...

I pushed you away, I walked away from us.....but not from you....

I tried to stay in my little part of the world, but your love enticed me back once again....

I thought all would be right, I thought you would be true to my heart again as I always have'
been to yours.....

Once again, you chose your addiction....and left me in the cold.....

The Addiction....The Abuse.....and I still loved you I still love you.....even still even now....

You Moved on to another.....But my heart is still in the same if waiting for you to come
home.....How sad am I of a person....that I still love you......

Even Still......

Even Now.....